When paying through PayPal, it is very important that you enter specific information to ensure that you get proper credit for the purchase.   During the PayPal Checkout process, you will encounter a portion of a screen with the phrase below.  The phrase does not stand out prominently.  You will need to look closely for it:

Add special info for Roundtable: add  (see screen shot below)

Paypal comment 2






   <<===  Here!


1)  Be certain to click the Add link.  A box will open up into which comments can be entered.

2)  Enter specific information to clearly identify for whom the purchase is being made.  For example, in one Paypal transaction, one might pay for an Annual Membership and two seats at the Community Affairs Dinner.   In that case, a suggested comment might be:

This purchase is for an annual membership for Fred Robinson.  In addition, two seats were purchased for the Community Affairs Dinner for Fred Robinson and Johnny Carson.

== or ==

This for a parade entry for Girl Scout Troop #378 in Riverview

3)  Once entered, click the SAVE button and complete the purchase.